Sure, I’m still painting, I’ve had some great commissions (thanks) and I’m busy learning, trying, failing, succeeding. But the time really gets aways from me. I have a full time job, I’m a working musician, I’ve got way too many young kids and I like having a social life. All of this lead me to only doing art on my iPad. These past months I’ve been switching things up with different applications like, Paintstorm Pro and  Sketchbook Pro. but I keep coming back to Procreate. Since I don’t have any shows coming up, I feel less of a drive to put together a collection of work, and I feel more like learning different things. But I’m also feeling like I need to start creating more physical art. So, once the weather breaks, I think I’ll try to set up some space outside and throw some real paint around and see if I still have it.